This block is read by task FALL3D and defines specific variables related to output strategy

  1. PARALLEL_IO = (options)
    • Use parallel Input/Output for netCDF files
    • Input options:
      • YES: Enable parallel I/O
      • NO: Disable parallel I/O
    • Note: The option PARALLEL_IO = YES requires the installation of the high-performance parallel I/O library for accessing NetCDF files
  2. LOG_FILE_LEVEL = (options)
    • Level of detail in the FALL3D log file
    • Input options:
      • NONE: TODO
      • NORMAL: TODO
      • FULL: TODO
    • Define the restart file output frequency
    • Input options:
      • (float): Frequency in hours
      • NONE: Restart file not written
      • END_ONLY: Restart file written only at the end of the simulation
  4. OUTPUT_JSON_FILES = (options)
    • Generate json files
    • Optional
    • Input options:
      • YES: Generate json files
      • NO: Do not generate json files
    • Note: Only for tasks SetTGSD SetDbs SetSrc FALL3D
    • Generate intermediate files
    • Input options:
      • YES: Generate intermediate files
      • NO: Do not generate intermediate files
    • Note: Only for task ALL can be set OUTPUT_INTERMEDIATE_FILES = NO
  6. OUTPUT_TIME_START_(HOURS) = (options)
    • Start time for output
    • Input options:
      • (float): Time (in hours) from which the output file is written
      • RUN_START: Start writing output file from the beginning
    • Time period of model output in hours
  8. OUTPUT_3D_CONCENTRATION = (options)
    • Specify whether the 3D concentration field should be written in the output file
    • Input options:
      • YES: Write the 3D concentration field
      • NO: Do not write the 3D concentration field
    • Specify whether the 3D concentration field for each bin should be written in the output file
    • Input options:
      • YES: Write the 3D concentration field for each bin
      • NO: Do not write the 3D concentration field for each bin
    • Specify whether the surface concentration field should be written in the output file
    • Input options:
      • YES: Write the surface concentration field
      • NO: Do not write the surface concentration field
  11. OUTPUT_COLUMN_LOAD = (options)
    • Specify whether the column mass load field should be written in the output file
    • Input options:
      • YES: Write the column mass load field
      • NO: Do not write the column mass load field
  12. OUTPUT_COLUMN_LOAD_PM = (options)
    • Specify whether the column mass load field for PM2.5, PM10, PM20 and PM64 should be written in the output file
    • Input options:
      • YES: Write the PM column mass load field
      • NO: Do not write the PM column mass load field
  13. OUTPUT_CLOUD_TOP = (options)
    • Specify whether the cloud top height field should be written in the output file
    • Input options:
      • YES: Write the cloud top height field
      • NO: Do not write the cloud top height field
  14. OUTPUT_GROUND_LOAD = (options)
    • Specify whether the deposit mass load field should be written in the output file
    • Input options:
      • YES: Write the deposit mass load field
      • NO: Do not write the deposit mass load field
  15. OUTPUT_GROUND_LOAD_BINS = (options)
    • Specify whether the deposit mass load field for each bin should be written in the output file
    • Input options:
      • YES: Write the deposit mass load field for each bin
      • NO: Do not write the deposit mass load field for each bin
  16. OUTPUT_WET_DEPOSITION = (options)
    • Specify whether the wet deposition mass field should be written in the output file
    • Input options:
      • YES: Write the wet deposition mass field
      • NO: Do not write the wet deposition mass field
  17. TRACK_POINTS = (options)
    • Specifies whether the timeseries for the tracking points should be written
    • Input options:
      • YES: Generate tracking point file
      • NO: Do not generate tracking point file
  18. TRACK_POINTS_FILE = (string)
    • Path to the file with the list of tracked points
    • Note: Used only if TRACK_POINTS_FILE = YES
    • Output concentration at x-coordinate values specified in X-VALUES
    • Input options:
      • YES: Output concentration cuts
      • NO: Do not output concentration cuts
    • Output concentration at y-coordinate values specified in Y-VALUES
    • Input options:
      • YES: Output concentration cuts
      • NO: Do not output concentration cuts
    • Output concentration at z-coordinate values specified in Z-VALUES
    • Input options:
      • YES: Output concentration cuts
      • NO: Do not output concentration cuts
    • Output concentration at flight level values specified in FL-VALUES
    • Input options:
      • YES: Output concentration cuts
      • NO: Do not output concentration cuts
  23. X-VALUES = (float_list)
    • List of x-coordinate values read when OUTPUT_CONCENTRATION_AT_XCUTS = YES
  24. Y-VALUES = (float_list)
    • List of y-coordinate values read when OUTPUT_CONCENTRATION_AT_YCUTS = YES
  25. Z-VALUES = (float_list)
    • List of z-coordinate values read when OUTPUT_CONCENTRATION_AT_ZCUTS = YES
  26. FL-VALUES = (float_list)
    • List of flight level values read when OUTPUT_CONCENTRATION_AT_FL = YES
    • Output layer-averaged concentration for a list of layers specified in FL-LAYER-TOP and FL-LAYER-BOTTOM
    • Input options:
      • YES: Output layer-averaged concentration
      • NO: Do not output layer-averaged concentration cuts
  28. FL-LAYER-TOP = (float_list)
    • List of flight level values for layer top read when OUTPUT_CONCENTRATION_IN_LAYERS = YES
  29. FL-LAYER-BOTTOM = (float_list)
    • List of flight level values for layer bottom read when OUTPUT_CONCENTRATION_IN_LAYERS = YES
  30. OUTPUT_FOOTPRINTS = (options)
    • Output footprint file
    • Input options:
      • YES: Output footprint file
      • NO: Do not output footprint file
    • List of concentration values read when OUTPUT_FOOTPRINTS = YES
  32. GROUND_LOAD_INTENSITY_MEASURE_(KG/M2) = (float_list)
    • List of ground mass load values read when OUTPUT_FOOTPRINTS = YES