Block GRID

This block defines the grid variables needed by the SetDbs and FALL3D tasks

  1. HORIZONTAL_MAPPING = (options)
    • Horizontal mapping
    • Input options:
      • CARTESIAN: Cartesian mapping
      • SPHERICAL: Spherical mapping
  2. VERTICAL_MAPPING = (options)
    • Vertical mapping
    • Input options:
      • SIGMA_NO_DECAY: Terrain following levels with no decay
      • SIGMA_LINEAR_DECAY: Terrain following levels with linear decay from surface to the flat top
      • SIGMA_EXPONENTIAL_DECAY: Terrain following levels with exponential decay from surface to the flat top
  3. LONMIN = (float)
    • West longitude in decimal degrees of the domain
  4. LONMAX = (float)
    • East longitude in decimal degrees of the domain
  5. LATMIN = (float)
    • South latitude in decimal degrees of the domain
  6. LATMAX = (float)
    • North latitude in decimal degrees of the domai
  7. NX = (options)
    • Define the number of grid cells or resolution along dimension x
    • Input options:
      • (integer): Number of grid cells (mass points) along x
      • RESOLUTION (float): Resolution (grid size) along x
  8. NY = (options)
    • Define the number of grid cells or resolution along dimension y
    • Input options:
      • (integer): Number of grid cells (mass points) along y
      • RESOLUTION (float): Resolution (grid size) along y
  9. NZ = (integer)
    • Define the number of grid cells (mass points) along dimension z
  10. ZMAX_(M) = (float)
    • Top height of the computational domain in meters
  11. SIGMA_VALUES = (float_list)
    • List of values of sigma coordinate in the range (0,1). The list size should be less or equal than NZ+1
    • Optional
    • Note: If not present, uniform distribution of vertical layers is assumed